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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Win €.4.000 For SEO Contest

Win €.4.000 ...woooww...Are you a SEO maniac, SEO - Master, or just wish that money..? why not try to challenging the money with your great SEO skills through this seo-games..

Prize : €.4000 (approximately 48.000.000 IDR - 48 jeti / kurs 12 rb)

Keyword : "Win real money playing online slots at"

Start : from November 15th 2010 - January 15th 2011

The Win real money playing online slots at seo contest, provided by Neogames Partners and . So, if you're interested to take a part in this seogames , follows are the rules of this SEO challenge :

Are you familiar with SEO and ranking in the best positions on Google?

If so, then NeoGames Partners has a brilliant contest for you!

From November 15th to January 15th, you have the chance to receive more than €4,000 if you rank amongst the top positions on Google.

So come and get ready for this incredible contest! Below are the details:

The Keyword:

Win real money playing online slots at

The competition:
The competition is held over two months from November 15th 2010 to January 15th 2011.

-A page dedicated to must be created in English on your website, blog or forum. Free blogs and forums are also accepted.

-This page must contain a minimum of 250 words describing’s promotions, games and news. The page must also contain a banner.

-You are only allowed to promote on this dedicated site.

-Only the first 100 results will be considered to determine the 8 winners who will win.

-Is forbidden to buy the any domain related with the keyword:


-This contest must be target to and you can participate in English only

-Each unique URL will be considered a separate entry and can therefore win.

4,200 Euros of Bonuses shared out as follows

1. €2,000 (+70% lifetime revenue share from that page) / 24 jeti

2. €1,000 (+60% lifetime revenue share from that page) / 12 jeti

3. €750 (+50% lifetime revenue share from that page) / 9 jeti ...

4. €400

5. €150

6. €100

7. €100

8. €100

The final ranking will be announced on the 17th of January at midday on the NeoGames Partners site Portal.

Please contact your account manager for more information


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Since I did a search on "make money online", and much of the information out there is just promoting various bewildering products..., Now,..Make yourself enjoy and relax, because I will show you about a new secret to make real money online from home with an exciting way , easy and fast, by just a few click of your mouse...

Friday, October 29, 2010

How use Simple Portal Blogger Template ?

To make the Simple Portal Blogger Template as a blog portal or RSS/News Aggregator, basically really easy and simple to, just click "Add a Gadget" and choose "Feed", then place your favorit rss feed , ie, my blog feed :

Or, if you want to complete with the javascript menus, learn more here : Simple RSS Portal Blogger Template Guide

How Do I Access RSS? , How To View KSL RSS Feeds? , RSS/News Aggregators, Subscribe to RSS Feeds , and some collection of RSS Feeds, check out here:

Simple Portal Blogger Template tutorial

Simple Portal RSS feeds Blogger Template tutorial
Monday, October 25, 2010

How to create a blog with Blogger


Simple Portal Blogger Template
TEMPLATES is a files used to setup a blog website. Blog or Web templates or website themes can be used to set up any type of website/blog for public viewing on the Internet. In its simplest sense, a web template operates similarly to a form letter for use in setting up a website/blog.

The Importance of Blog Design

Blogs have increased popularity over this past months. Many people have started to create their personal blogs to express their thoughts and feelings. Internet companies have also started their blogs to inform consumers on the latest product news and reviews.

Because of this, blogs are also being used as internet marketing media. Before, internet marketing is done by placing banners and links on popular websites, such as news and information sites. Links were also included on newsletters and marketing letters sent to the members of their mailing lists.

Many people spend time reading blogs. People read their friend's blogs, their favorite author's blogs, blogs on topics that they are interested in, and blogs on product reviews. With the increasing popularity of blogging, it is even feared that people rely on blogs to get the latest news.

While getting news reports from blogs isn't reliable, some people look for product reviews through blogs. In some cases, this is more dependable. While it is true that some media persons are being paid to write good reviews about a certain product, blog writers write about their actual experiences on products and services from a company.

Since there are many people who read and start their own blogs,blogs are a good medium to market a product. With the increasing blog traffic means increase in product sales.

Blog traffic can be increased by joining affiliate programs and sites, which will list your blog under a certain search category or name. You can also have your blog advertised in popular websites. This, however, will cost some money and is not advisable if you have just started blogging.

A writer who has just launched his/her blog will want as much traffic as possible to increase advertisements on the site. Also, some advertisers pay every time their link is clicked or the page that has their link is viewed.When you have increased traffic on your blog, you should try to keep you visitors coming back and recommending your blog to friends and colleagues.

This can be done by having informative or amusing content and good blog layout and design. You may develop your blog's content or you can also acquire the services of a web content writer to provide you with the blog articles.

The blog's layout and design also plays a big role. While most of the companies offering free blog hosting offer pre-selected templates, there are also some that allows customization that if you utilize this feature correctly can increase your blog's traffic.

Here are a few tips to make your blog stand out from the millions of blogs out there that have standard designs.

* Customize the banner

The banner usually has the most generic designs that are common to the blogs from a blogging company or service.

You can personalize this banner by having a graphic with the dimensions of the banner. You can also edit the graphic so that it will also include the title of your blog.

In this case, you can create your own graphic or you can purchase professional looking graphics online for less than $10.

* Personalizing photos

Of course, most of the photos that you will be posting will be your own. However, if you don't customize the photos before posting them, you may miss maximizing the enhancing benefits graphics can add to the page. Adding photo borders can help the photo stand out from the page.

It can also add to the design of your blog. You can choose a standard border or you can also create your own border which can be associated with your blog's templates.

* Add a favicon

Don't you think sites with icons on the address bar before the website's URL are cool? Many people do. These favicons add a professional look to the URL. These easy to do using photo or graphic editing softwares.

* Check out blog templates, layouts, backgrounds, textures and skins from sites

There are sites that offer free blog templates, layouts, backgrounds, textures and skins. You can make use of these so your blog will not look generic like most of the blogs hosted by the service provider.

* Include RSS feeds

This is a cool way to inform people with newsreaders about your blog headlines. Blog Tutorials on RSS feeds are available on the internet.

* Audio makes your blog more personal

Not only does audio personalizes the blog; it can also keep your visitors coming back. You can try having streaming radio stations, mp3 file or playlists loading with your blog.

* Advertisements

If you have signed-up with Google AdSense, which I am sure you would like to do, make sure that the ads are conveniently placed that these will not hinder your readers' ease in accessing the information on your blog.

Try using these tips and you can definitely increase and retain traffic on your blog.

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